The Imperial Corps Agoodjié of the African Diaspora

Dr. Dowoti DÉSIR

HRM Queen Mother Sêmévo 1st

The Royal Palace of the African Diaspora

in association with the Royal Palace Sedessa

Imperial Corps Agoodjié 2024 Tours

Divine Feminine: Women Warriors Weekend in Atlanta, Georgia

For the first time in the United States of America, ICAAD launches the Divine Feminine Women Warriors Weekend. From 14th March -17th March 2024, instructors and cadets will convene for 3 nights and 3 days for workshops, tours, lectures and other sessions. Tap into the energies of Earth, Air, Fire and Water in this intensive, experience of self- and communal revelation of the Agoodjié that lays within every woman.

Imperial Corps Agoodjié 7-Days Tour

A spiritual woman’s pilgrimage to Africa, manifest your lifetime resolution to the Divine Feminine Warrior through the Imperial Corps Agoodjié leadership and training tour from 4th-10th January 2024. All cadets are required to attend “The Elements: 5-Sessions On-line Course”. Upon completion, cadets will become certified members of the Imperial Corps Adgoodjié, and be affiliated with the Royal Palace of the African Diaspora. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL SUMMER 2024.

Imperial Corps Agoodjié Two Part Programme

The Elements: 5 On-line Sessions

With advanced notice, instructors and cadets will meet online once-a-week for 45-60 minute sessions focused on the Divine Feminine as warrior. Elements of warfare: Spiritual, Medicinal, Physical and Mental are introduced. You may sign up for these classes without going through the ICAAD 7-day training and tour of the Agoodjié.

Imperial Corps Agoodjié Pèlerinage de Sept Jours

Un pèlerinage spirituel pour femmes en Afrique, manifestez votre résolution de vie au Divine Feminine à travers le Corps impérial Agoodjié leadership et la tournée de formation du 4 au 10 janvier 2024. Tous les cadets sont tenus de suivre le cours "The Elements : Cours en ligne de 9 sessions". À l'issue de ce cours, les cadets deviendront des membres certifiés du Corps impérial Agoodjié et seront affiliés au Palais royal de la diaspora africaine. CET ÉVÉNEMEN A ÉTÉ REPORTÉ À ÉTÉ 2024

ICAAD Scholarship and Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors will be fully acknowledge on all electronic and published material, credited in all documentary, including film/video. Each tier presents additional benefits. Contact us for more information. Opportunities begin at the Minon level: $US 1000 to Supreme Grand Amazone: $US 50,000.

If you want to provide scholarships for those who wish to participate in on-line classes and travel to Bénin Republi yet lack the resources, we are pleased to speak with you.